My New Primary Colours

The Colours of my Garden

This week has kept me busy at The Other Job (TOJ) and Autumn has finally arrived. 

The kitchen garden is starting to look a little dishevelled. The conventional polytunnel has some crops left to harvest and we continue to pick tomatillos, herbs and lettuce from the hydroponic tunnel.

The TOJ in question is running my small fine art printing company. It’s interesting work that requires accurate colour reproduction and to do this you need the help from some tools of the trade, like a spectrophotometer / colorimeter  – a device, that simply put, measures colour values and assigns it a numerical value depending upon the colour space you are using. I work with the colour space Red  Green  Blue

The numeric value of white in RGB would be
R 255
G 255
B 255
And black would be
R 0
G 0
B 0

My current device also allows me to to read spot colours and produce customised colour palettes, so I thought it would be fun to make my own colour palette.

So here’s the start of my garden colour range.

* Mucho Miel is an Italian Salad Tomato

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