A Still Life Study

Tomatillos & Tomatoes Are Ready for Harvest

The hydroponic flood and drain system in the polytunnel has produced some tall plants with loads of fruit. Despite the lack of sunny days, a handful of tomatoes and tomatillos are are now finally ripe enough to pick. With the tomatillos you know they are ready when the papery husk shrinks back to reveal the green fruit underneath.

At the beginning of the season I labeled each of the tomato plants with the name of the variety I was growing, because I wanted to save some of the seeds to plant next year. However due to our lack of proper supports and allowing the tomato vines to grow unabated, apparently the commercial tomato growers remove the lower leaves from the vines to make the crop easier to harvest, I now no longer know which tomato was which. So seed saving will have to wait until next year when we’ve worked out a proper and more substantial support structure for the vines to grow on.

With the fruit picked it was time to down tools and head into my photographic studio.

Followed by a nice fresh, piquant salsa verde made from the star of the shoot. My first hydroponically grown tomatillos.

salsa verdeBuilding blocks for Salsa Verde

235g Tomatillos Diced
62g White Onion Diced
1 Green Chili
Cilantro, lime juice and salt.


All photographs are taken by me, unless stated otherwise and are copyright Hydro2Plate.com